Minnamurra CAFE presents:
Michele Skuza and Michelle Springett and their amazing Birds.
Both with their unique styles in acrylics and oils - be sure to pop into Minnamurra Cafe and see the colourful display that makes this exhibition pop. Prints also available at the cafe..
...til end Feb.
If you don't have good reception on your phone, ask staff for the WIFI login... then Scan the QR Code alongside the artwork at the venue to purchase artwork/s. The QR code will direct you to the webpage that shows what artwork is available at the venue.
Simply click on the artwork you wish to purchase, pay online using the various payment methods. Sorry no cash transactions.
Show your payment receipt of to Staff and ask them to take artwork off the wall for you.
Thank you for supporting the Expressive Art Wall Trail. We know you will enjoy your new artwork purchase.